
Agence du Numérique, Project Management based on Agile methodologies (SCRUM – KANBAN)

May 4th, 2018

Aprico Consultants accompanies the Chèques-Entreprises in their digitalisation project. A Project Management based on Agile methodologies (SCRUM - KANBAN) led by Stéphane Vince, IT Manager & Senior Expert.

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Chèques Entreprises, or Business Vouchers, aim to support entrepreuneurship, innovation and growth within Walloon companies, by offering training, consulting and coaching help to these organisations. The vouchers are organised by theme, in a wide portfolio of services. These vouchers help finance specific services based on the company’s specific needs, its development stage and maturity level – encompassing startups, growing businesses and companies in transition.

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Managing Director SPW, Directorate General for Taxation

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