Signing for a new job is always an exciting time. There’s a lot of change going on, and this often goes hand in hand with uncertainty and stress.
It’s the job of your employer to take care of these factors in order to make your transition as fluent as possible. If you know that almost 50% of new employees start looking for another job within the first year it should be no surprise that we at Aprico Consultants treat onboarding, the period when a new employee starts, with priority. But what are the actions we take and why do we take them?
We are great…
Everything starts with perception: your perception of the situation will have an influence on your feelings and your behavior. That’s why we value a positive and genuine perception of Aprico as an employer, also called our ‘employer brand’. Investigation points out that actively promoting our culture, values and successes will benefit our employer brand, which has a positive effect on commitment and participation in tasks outside your function.
This information forms part of the first interview with Aprico. But once on board, there are still uncertainties, so it makes no sense to stop giving you this information. Not only will you receive a lot more information with a welcome pack, you will also have meetings with HR, your account manager and your subject matter expert who are happy to provide you with the information and support needed. Next to this you will be invited to one of our monthly events where you can feel the culture, or you can participate in an information event where the results of the past period are communicated.
…And so are you, so that’s why we are a match
We have hired you for a reason and this reason can be communicated. The added value of a newcomer isn’t always communicated, and that’s a pity. Being complimented and feeling appreciated by your leader will result in feeling a stronger fit between yourself and the organization. The idea that employees perceive themselves as a good match for the organization, is a dream for every employer: together you will manage great things, and this in the long run.
When starting at Aprico, your subject matter expert and you will sit together to map your current functioning and your career goals, which will be part of your personal development plan. On top of this you can have insights into your personality and strengths with one of the coaching sessions offered by HR.
As you will see, we take your onboarding seriously. We will not overload you with hollow positive messages or promises we can’t keep, since it will not feel sincere. In fact it can even be a dangerous game and have the opposite effect. Onboarding should be the start of an open relationship where mutual honest communication is the key to a long journey.